OA Fax Server  
MIS Fax Server  
WebFax Server  
Mail Fax Server  
MIS Mail Server  
POP3  Mail Server 2000
Mail Guard
Auto Voice Response System


OA FAX SERVER is an fully automated system built for the office network. By installing the workstation software provide by the OA fax server, users can use their own computer to send, read, and manage all fax document.



FILE SERVER : Novell(V3.11 and above), NT(V3.50 and above), WIN2000, Unix(need to support NFS and TCP/IP) or other peer to peer Server.

FAX SERVER : Pentium II and above, 64MB RAM, 1GB HD, and Printer Port PC with operating system of WIN NT or WIN2000

WORKSTATION : Pentium I and above, 32MB RAM PC with operating system of WIN NT or WIN2000


Depend on the need on immediate Faxing, one single FAX SERVER can provide at most 32 avaliable faxing lines by upgrading with ELITE's SMART FAX CARD :

8 Dual Channel SMART FAX CARD (2 Port)

8 Dual Channel SMART FAX CARD (4 Port)

8 Dual Channel SMART VOICE / FAX CARD (2 Port)

8 Dual Channel SMART VOICE / FAX CARD (4 Port)


  • Please Note that none of the types above of the SMART FAX CARDs works a like, so none of the types above is capatiable with each other or any Fax/Modem other then its identical cards. Therefore. before purchasing your FAX SERVER, please thanks about what kind for SMART FAX CARD configuration work best with your business.
  • 2 port / 4 port SMART VOICE/FAX card have VOICE/FAX ON DEMAND capabilities, therefore, your business will only need this card if you business to have a DTMF that can handle auto voice response.
  • It is required that the FAX SERVER needs to have at least 10MB of spare hard disk space for each user (if there is 10 users, FAX SERVER will at least have 100MB of spare disk space on its hard disk). Also, all OA WORKSTATIONs and FAX SERVER need that have access to the file server and have the file server mapped into its system.


Depend on the need of fax network, a fax serve can provide at most 32 different fax lines.

v By selecting the acceptable number of users, fax server provides every user with their own work catalogue and also user's accessibility authorities for better security and management

v Supports WIN95, WIN98, WINNT, WIN2000 workstation's transfer/recieve fax

v With the provided application to send fax document on the workstation computer

v With simple text font to help you in edit you fax document on the E-FAX application and send it

v Select any image files (bmp, pcx, gif, dcx, tga, tif, img, mac,.....) on the workstation computer for transfer

v Capable of selecting mutiple files that utilizes different applications and transfer them all at once

v Set fax server to do schedualed send on mutliple faxs to multiple addresses

v Internation and long-distance dailing capabilities

v Convert any DBASE files or any other format text files into E-FAX's Phone Book to prevent any repeat inputs

v Insert any Title or Signature files onto any fax document before sending

v Support DTMF, CSID and hand feed fax function

v Instruct the FAX server to send fax to single, a group, or all personnels

v Super fast fax preview and recieve log in one application window will help you manage all recieved fax in less time.

v Individual user's fax can be relayed to any Fax In-Box or any printer

v With high protection fax log so no normal user can remove or alter any fax logs

v With animated warnings to inform the user when a fax has arrived

v Display current time and date of any country around the world and also their country phone code and currency


PHONE BOOK -- Can support multiple phone book and can be set for shard or individual use. E-FAX will also convertany DBF format phone book so there is no need to recreate any phone book again.

SIMPLE FAX -- Provide fax editing functions and fax send function.

PRINT FAX -- You can send fax just like when you are printing.

FILE FAX -- Can select 20 different kinds for files and converted fax documents to send

FAX SHELF -- With openning any Windows application, you can select the and input any Windows application documents into the FAX SHELF and fax all documents all at once.

AREA CODE FILTER -- Will automatically filter out native phone number without modifing the database.

AUTO RESEND -- Every user can set their own number of resend to ensure that fax documents will reach their destination no matter what obsticle there are such as busy line or encounter different systems.

MULTI-ADDRESS SEND -- Allow one single fax documents to be sent to users at once.

PHONEBOOK SEND -- Send fax by analysising every fax number in the phonebook database

SCHEDUAL SEND -- When the faxing gets tough, you can schedual your fax transfers so that you don't have to worry about send them at the phone line busy hour.

TITLE PAGE SETTING -- Even with all personnel faxing different kind of information to different companies, therefore, fax server have provide TITLE PAGE SETTING for each fax document for easy identifation.

LOGO AND SIGNATURE FILE -- Logos and singnatures are important to a business's image even on a fax document, therefore, you can insert you logo and signature files onto the fax as you send.

URGERNT FAX -- Top prioties is always improtant when you are in a line up, therefore you can ensure that if you have a urgent fax, it well always be sent first.

BLANK REMOVAL -- Can automatic remove useless blanks space to reduce document size and send in less time

FAST FAX -- beside high quality fax transfer which take some time to send, for economical purpose fax can be sent quickly and clearly to improver efficiency.

FAX STATUS -- Search trough the fax log to access any fax information by catagory such as attention, waiting, sending, complete, fail.

ONLINE LOG CONTROL -- If encounters error such as wrong send or fail send, user can immediately delete or resend fax.

SCHEDUALED RESEND -- When a send has failed, you can set the a schedual time for resend to avoid any busy phone hour.

LOG TO PHONEBOOK -- Convert selected logs and convert them into phonebook.


AUTO PRINT -- Fax documents can be automatically be printed by any local or network printer upon an document arrival.

ASSIGN SEND -- Sender can assign receiver's In-Box by inputing the In-Box number on the phone-pad or from the fax machine's CSID signal.

MANUAL DISTRIBUTION -- High accessbility users have accessibility to this function for viewing a logged fax transfer and distribute it to related personnels.

DOCUMENT FORWARD -- Forward any received fax documents to any related personnel's e-mail or fax machine

FAX DESCRIPTION -- Add descriptive detail on any received fax for later management.

AUTO-BACKUP -- Set a copy for the received fax document to be sent to administrator.

AUTO-FORWARD -- Forward a copy for the received fax document to any related personnels.

MULTI-PAGE PRINT -- Select multiple number of pages to be printed.

RECEIVING REMINDER -- Upon arrive of fax documents, a reminder warning wil automatical be displayed.


GROUP SETTING -- Can create as many as 20 different group assign to each department.

USER SETTING -- Set each users accessibilities such as on Internation call, long-distance call, fax distrubution, urgent send....

LINE SETTING -- Set any line to be either TX(transfer), RX(receive), TRX(both)

CSID SETTING -- From fax document's CSID, fax distributer can group the received fax to its sender.

LOGIN SETTING -- Setup login name and password for any users.

MONITOR SETTING -- Administrator can monitor any users sent/received fax status and content.

AUTO C/C -- Can set up CC personells on any sent/received fax document.

BACKUP SETTING -- Administrator can setup any users sent/received backup expired time frame and print or remove any backup fax.

TOTAL SUMMARY -- Report fax usage of any group of individual users at any specific time.


SUPPORT MULTIPLE OS -- Fax can be received. sent, or read on different operating system such as WIN95, WIN98, WIN NT WORKSTATION, WIN2000.

INTERNATIONAL TIME RQUEST -- request receivers country time.

COUNTRY CODE REQUEST -- request receivers country code.


INDIVIDUAL LINE -- each department in the company can have their there own seperate line aside from other departments and therefore increasing performance and flexability.



Copyright 2002, ELITE Technology Corp.